Admission Application: Form Two, Form Three, Form Four (HKDSE) and Form Five (HKDSE) 2025/2026
Applicants should submit the following documents to General Office (Admissions), St Stephen's College, 22 Tung Tau Wan Road, Stanley, Hong Kong by the deadline (30 April 2025):
Photocopy of all academic reports in the past three year;
Photocopy of Hong Kong Identity Card / Passport (if the applicant was not born in Hong Kong and is a non-permanent resident in Hong Kong, a copy of travel document with an endorsement indicating that he / she has the permission to stay in Hong Kong is required);
A crossed cheque of $75 (Application Fee) payable to “St Stephen's College”.
Applications will not be processed unless all required documents are submitted.
* Selected candidates will be invited for the entrance examination (via email) on May 24, 2025 (Saturday).
* After completing the entrance examination, our College may select certain applicants to come to the school for an interview, accompanied by their parents.