Application Procedure S2-S5
Admission Application: Form Two, Form Three, Form Four (HKDSE) and Form Five (HKDSE) 2025/2026
Applicants should submit the following documents to General Office (Admissions), St Stephen's College, 22 Tung Tau Wan Road, Stanley, Hong Kong by the deadline (30 April 2025):
  • Photocopy of all academic reports in the past three year;
  • Photocopy of Hong Kong Identity Card / Passport (if the applicant was not born in Hong Kong and is a non-permanent resident in Hong Kong, a copy of travel document with an endorsement indicating that he / she has the permission to stay in Hong Kong is required);
  • A crossed cheque of $75 (Application Fee) payable to “St Stephen's College”.
  • Applications will not be processed unless all required documents are submitted. 
* Selected candidates will be invited for the entrance examination (via email) on May 24, 2025 (Saturday).
* After completing the entrance examination, our College may select certain applicants to come to the school for an interview, accompanied by their parents.

Contact Information

22 Tung Tau Wan Road, Stanley
Tel: +852 28130360
Fax: +852 28137311
Email: [email protected]