
What are the requirements of obtaining the Diploma when students graduate?


To obtain an IB Diploma at the end of the two-year course, students must study three subjects at Higher level and three at Standard level. Other requirements to be fulfilled include CAS, a 4000-word EE, and TOK.

After the final examinations, students receive points for each of the subjects they have studied (a maximum of 7 per subject). They can also receive up to three bonus points according to their combined results in TOK and EE. A maximum of 45 points can be achieved. Students must score at least 24 points in total and fulfil other relevant requirements to obtain the diploma.


How should I consider what subjects to take in the programme?


It is extremely important that you ask yourself three questions before choosing a subject:

What are the subject requirements for my desired university degree? Universities specify their requirements of the total IB points and the combination of HL and SL subjects online. It is crucial you do thorough research as such requirements may vary among universities and even countries. For instance, most medical schools require students to have two science subjects in HL, students are often recommended to take Biology HL and Chemistry HL. If still in doubt, make an appointment to speak to our Careers and Higher Education Cousellors.

Where do my academic strengths lie? It is just easier to get good results if you study a subject that suits your ability and style of learning. A positive feedback in terms of results often propel students to do better. 

What subjects do I enjoy? When you enjoy a subject, motivation naturally drives you to achieve higher.

Do not decide your subject choices based on the teacher or your peers. 


Contact Information

22 Tung Tau Wan Road, Stanley
Tel: +852 28130360
Fax: +852 28137311
Email: [email protected]