Development Directives
The development directives of Biology Department are to enable students to
acquire knowledge and develop understanding of basic biological principles and concepts;
be self-directed learners and apply biological knowledge in daily life;
be aware of the dynamic nature of biological knowledge and appreciate the role of science and technology in understanding the living world;
develop a critical mind to make informed judgments and decisions; and
recognize their responsibility for conserving the environment and protecting creatures.
Course information
Our Form 3 school-based curriculum emphasizes the training of our students to be active learners by adopting an inquiry-based learning approach. Students are encouraged to learn on their own initiatives through a scientific approach by observation, hypothesis making, experimental design, data processing, and drawing of conclusion. At the end of the course, students are required to work on a Scientific Investigation Project related to their own interested areas by demonstrating the aforesaid skills.
We focus not only on the delivery of textbook knowledge, but also the training of presentation skills, analytical thinking, logical reasoning and problem-solving skills through a scientific approach.
From time to time, teachers will organize class activities for students and initiate discussions relating to daily life phenomena. Through these, we hope to lead them into a deeper understanding of the biological principles behind the phenomena.
Our teachers make good use of the rich fauna and flora community in our campus to illustrate the life processes and interactions of organisms in a natural environment. Students always find it interesting and rewarding when they learn the subject matters in a natural setting.