Development Directives
  • To enrich students’ visual arts experiences on art making, appreciation and criticism in order to keep pace with the development of contemporary arts.
  • To explore alternative means of arts production through learning about visual culture and various methods of arts creation and presentation.
  • To cultivate students’ abilities for self-study, and help them develop their interests in life-long pursuit of the arts.
  • To enable students to talk about art in their community and identify the use of the visual arts in daily life.
  • To cultivate a sense of commitment towards the community.

Course Information
School-based Curriculum - IDEA
The integrity of the IDEA curriculum implemented is based on four fundamentals:
  • Interactive Process
  • Diversity
  • Experiential Learning
  • Appreciation and Criticism
A student-centered thematic approach is employed to give more focus to learning and to sharpen students’ development of generic skills.      
Useful Links


電話: +852 28130360
傳真: +852 28137311
電郵: [email protected]